
I can't remember the name of this type of spider, but it seems to be fairly common in middle Georgia. I love it for its spiny shell and spotted appearance. This one is hanging head down which makes it hard to get a sense of its orientation.

Not a very good picture, but I'm proud of it anyway because of how it was done. This was taken with a Canon A40 digital camera. These cameras have no close-up attachments and don't have manual focus. Do you think autofocus will focus on a web and a spider? Not a chance. I attached a cord to the bottom of the camera and focused on a wall. I tied a knot in the cord at the point of closest focus. Then I depressed the shutter release half way while pointing at the wall - this focused the camera, and, still holding the shutter down, I turned around and used the cord to get the right distance to the spider. So yes, I'm pretty pleased with this.

Image img_1084.web.jpg, size 69347 b
Image #img_1084
Photo © 2003, Giles Orr 
Last modified: 2003-09-18 by giles