'The Legend of Korra' Season 4 'Balance' - TV Review

Previous season's reviews: Book 1, Book 2, Book 3.

Korra was both defeated and poisoned by the end of the previous season. The first few episodes of this season show her recovery, and that plays out fairly well. We also have the introduction of our new big-bad (Kuvira) - who is uniting the Earth kingdom. This is a desirable thing, but they show us that she's doing it with the methods of a dictator. And given that it's been three or four years since the previous season, we're also updated on the state of the world and where the rest of "Team Avatar" are at.

The series (this season even more than previously) has a strong bent to forgiveness: Baatar Jr., Sato Sr. (Asami's father), and even Kuvira are forgiven (although she was still going to be locked up). Deaths are incredibly rare.

Two and a half of the last three episodes are essentially one massive battle, and the action is a lot of fun. Although man, did they ever mess up Republic City. But that left us only a half episode available to wrap up a four year series, which they did in large part by having a wedding with most of the important people in attendance and talking about what would happen.

And then they pushed the boundaries of the acceptable in "children's" TV (actually ... this was aimed at teens - but people who are offended by this kind of thing like to make it sound "worse" by claiming it's aimed younger) by having Korra and Asami hold hands as series ended. Yup: the creators of the series have confirmed that this is what they intended: two female characters embarking on a romantic relationship. And I agree with them: to those of you who are bothered ... Get over it.

While "The Legend of Korra" wasn't the equal of its predecessor "Avatar: The Last Airbender," it's still a wonderful and entertaining piece of work with often gorgeous artwork that should be seen by fans of the original.