'What's Love Got To Do With It' - Movie Review

While the movie title is the same as a famous Tina Turner song, I'm happy to say that they didn't use that song in the soundtrack. This is a romcom, and that song isn't exactly pro-relationship. Of course, that was a different generation from the one that this movie is targeted at.

Our main character is Zoe (Lily James), a documentary film maker who lives in London. Her childhood best friend and next-door neighbour Kaz (Shazad Latif) chooses an arranged marriage, so Zoe opts to film him and his family throughout that process.

This is a romcom, right? The two leads are beautiful, and we know the movie isn't about how his arranged marriage works out beautifully. So never has there been a romcom with less suspense (in a genre known for lack of suspense) about who will end up with who. Zoe and Kaz are a lovely couple, and Lily James (who I've criticized before for lack of acting abilities) is finally learning her craft and doing fairly well. Emma Thompson is wasted as Zoe's moderately embarrassing mother - of course she does it well, but why bother getting Thompson for such a clichéd role that lacks any need for acting skill?

I also found it interesting that while the movie seemed to be reasonably respectful of the Muslim religion and Pakistani culture (although I'm a part of neither of these groups so my measure may not be accurate), it's not flattering about arranged marriage.